Friday, March 4, 2016

The One weakness

 One day, Chipmunk Boy was sitting in his tree when… DWEEE DWEEE!THE CHIPMUNK ALARM WENT OFF!  He quickly ran to the TV and saw that the evil CatBoy was destroying the city! Chipmunk Boy quickly ran to the emergency exit and shot off like a rocket A minute later, he was at the scene of the crime. CatBoy was about to destroy Yumm!, the only restaurant in the city. It was just a chain of restaurants in 1 building. Chipmunk Boy tried to kick Catboy, but CatBoy just swatted him away. He crashed into the library and saw stars, “ I forgot, my only weakness, cats” thought Chipmunk Boy. He saw a weird dark figure fighting CatBoy and then Chipmunk Boy fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up, the dark figure he saw was really a person. “who are you?”Said Chipmunk Boy.” My name is Goldenrod”said Goldenrod. “ What kind of name is that?!” Watch it buddy’’. Goldenrod explained everything. “ Well When I was going to get  myself a taco at Yumm!, I saw a cat fighting a chipmunk,  and the chipmunk ran into a building,  then I had to teach that cat a lesson". They talked for a while, and then they went back to Chipmunk Boy’s tree. So know Chipmunk Boy has a new person to work with. When they got back, they met Sam at the tree. “So, I guess we we can finally call ourselves the Tri Team!” Said Sam. “lets not” Said Chipmunk Boy and Goldenrod at the same time.” Or the Chipmunk Squad!” a mysterious voice said. To this day, nobody knows who said Chipmunk squad, but that's their name now. 

                         THE END!